Beginner's One Stroke Painting Course
One Stroke painting course starting from Saturday, August 3rd - September 7th from 2:00-3:30 pm at Mandarin HobbyLobby. The classes will be held every Saturday. You will need Folk Art Paints and One Stroke Brushes by Donna Dewberry available in Micheal's Arts & Craft stores. Following are the colors need to complete a projects:-
Thicket, Soft apple, yellow light, yellow ochre, wicker white, School bus yellow, Engine Red, Raw Sienna, Burnt Umber, Midnight, Violet Pansy and ultramarine blue.
Floating Medium
11" x 14" canvas (4-5), and sponges. You will learn the following subjects:-
Ivy and One stroke leaves
Tear drop stroke for Hydrangeas
One Stroke signature Cabbage Roses
Variety of fruits (C Stroke, U stroke)
I Invite you all to come and paint with me. Sign up on my website Call me if you have any questions.
Prachee Agrawal